Saturday, July 27, 2013

Point 4- "Is earth created before sun? Can this be counted as an Error?"

Point No..4 - Genesis, Ch. No. 1 Verses 9 to 13 says… ‘Earth was created on the third day.’  Genesis Ch. No. 1 Verses 14 to 19 says…‘The Sun and the Moon were created on the fourth day.’ Today science tells us… ‘Earth is part of the parent body… the sun.’ It cannot come into existence before the sun – It is unscientific.

Naaik is the one who approves theories submitted in astrophysics & in other scientific areas, even though he owns only a medical degree. 

1) One of the main point in astrophysics "The formation and evolution of the Solar System bodies occurred in tandem with the Sun.", no theory ever stated and proved that "earth was created or generated from sun". 
2) Refer 'Big bang theory', it is a chaos of explosion to form interstellar clouds. This will never form a star, there are numerous procedures to become a star. While the colliding of dusts to create planetesimals (first form of planets) will take place parallel along with star formation in these supernovas. After once planetesimals will be shifted to any orbits of a generating or generated stars beside. So planets can be developed before stars or after stars or together.
3) There fore ,as a assumption of sun burst out, and earth was formed is an old astrophysical theory, which is now omitted by almost all parts in astrophysics, was developed and assumed around 1980's. Surely Mr.Naaik is living in past, does't got enough knowledge in this area, only got the nuts to say a word 'not scientific' & 'not scientific'. I doubt do he know the meaning of science? 

To some scientific facts.
A suggestion which can be said in opposite to the query that, sun will be surely after or along with the earth creation. Here I'm making simple to avoid maximum technical terms because this is not a scientific page in astrophysics.

Solar system creation
Age of Sun 4.5 billion years as calculated, while age of earth calculates also the same. Have you thought why?
As from the old theory Sun blasts and created earth, then earth should be million & million years different from the age of Sun. But the calculation of age for earth was done by the half life of radio active uranium rock, found from earth, and it was carbon dated as 4.5 billion years. Research and archaeological survey were going parallel, whether there any source for elements in earth more than 4.5 billion years. While in case of Sun, Isotopes such as 'iron-60' where used, along with meteorite's carbon dating done to determine the age. 

Now theories evolved that, there was a massive star alike source or Super nova(Which has characteristics of Stars but not purely a star) beside, when the sun was born. Argument on the recent discovery in meteorites of patterns of isotopes that can only have been caused by the radioactive decay of iron-60, an unstable isotope that has a half life of only a million and a half years. Iron-60 can only be formed in the heart of a massive star alike source, it will never be inside a small star as like our sun. Thus the presence of live iron-60 in the young Solar System provides strong evidence that when the Sun formed (4.5 billion years ago) a massive star(alike source) was nearby. This massive star was the source of energy for the developing stars, interstellar clouds, planetesimals, planets and asteroids, under its supernova. We can thus assume that, Earth at its earlier stage was there which consumes energy from the massive star(alike source), then the parallel formation of earth & sun [not a sun, just an embryo of interstellar clouds]  leaving behind the traces of radioactive types dated back to 4.57 billion years for both.

Stage 1: A supernova or a massive big star(alike source) which is some times more than thousand times bigger than our Sun. We know Sun will be counted as a very small star while compared with others in solar system. 

Stage 2: A supernova or Massive star(alike source) will be having, intense ultraviolet radiation forms an “HII region” - a region of hot, ionized gas that pushes outward through interstellar space. A shock wave is driven in advance of the expanding HII region, compressing surrounding gas and triggering the formation of new 'low-mass stars', such as our Sun. 

Stage 3: The process of 'low-mass stars', the embryo of low-mass stars which is left of its small natal cloud will be uncovered by the advancing boundary of the HII region(eg: Eagle Nebula, Orion Nebula, Trifid Nebula) and exposed directly to the harsh ultraviolet radiation from the massive star (Or A supernova). This cloudy region is the first prototype of solar system called EGGs (evaporating gaseous globules), While the EGGs contains, the planetismals or even planets which is generated from the massive star.

Stage 4: EGG evaporates, leaving behind only the low-mass star and its now-unprotected protoplanetary disk to face the brunt of the massive star's wrath. 

Stage 5: The disk itself now begins to evaporate, forming a characteristic tear-drop-shaped structure like the “proplyds” (eg: the Orion Nebula). There may have a number of EGGs were turning into proplyds in parallel, as like hatching the eggs.

Stage 6: This proplyd, too, is eroded away. All that remains is the star itself, surrounded by the inner part of the disk (comparable in size to our Solar System), which is able to withstand the continuing onslaught of radiation. 

So my question is, In this planetary system, it is diminishing or development inwards, so which will be created first , Earth or Sun? A man with commonsense and with an average intelligence will get the point that what I have explained. 

Conclusion of solar system creation defined above:

This kind of star-forming environment, molecular cloud slowly evaporates the belt, forming a star here, leaving behind the planetesimals. These are called as EGGs(Evaporation Gaseous Globules). Further transformed to 'Proplyds'. 
So the formation of star is inwards. This will left behind those planets(eg Earth) on the outer ring, and at-last the center starts ignites forming a matured star, what we call SUN. Refer the SUN formation and see the chance of Sun after earth!

Naaik this is the science. Not the science which you say from Quran. So this will be surely un-scientific, right? 
Bible is not a scientific book, It is a spiritual book. But though the real science, bible can never be proved wrong!

The theory & support: Big bang, Sun Evolution, Theory of Solar planet creation developed in astrophysics by Arizona State University.

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