Thursday, July 25, 2013

Is Holy Bible Corrupted?

Here we are going to search for some answers, as a reply for some Radical-Islamic people who are trying to inject an Idea to common brain that Holy Bible & Christianity is utterly false,  all the others are cursed, so to serve G-D you should only to be a Muslaem.

As a part of Debates with 'Common Christians'[1], Islamic debtors highlight the wining over those common non-religious people and made them commit that, they are believing in a corrupted book called Bible. Also they spread this win as, the win of Quran or Islam over the Bible and christian doctrine. Search over the internet you will find hundreds of them.

I. Why does, now a days, Islam clings on some Forgeries and states Bible is Corrupted?
II. Why does Islam claims, that Jesus is a servant and not Son of G-D(Messiah)?
III. Why does Islam always claims, Jews and Christians are cursed?
IV. What is the role of Islam for Tribulation?

Above These all are going to covered ...

NOTE 1: common Christians, who are not religious, also who don't even read the entire Bible or lack of having idea about christian doctrine.

Before looking to the Points, I just try to Introduce the Musalem Debator Mr. Scientific Zakir NaikSo lets Start & Queries (with Answers) against Holy Bible, by the above man.

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